Oni Review:
David Laprad
Published: January 22, 2001
word "oni" in Japanese can
be translated to mean "alone,"
and in relation to Bungie
Software's new game, the
title is a fitting metaphor
for its isolated heroine.
Here is another third-person
action game in which a lone
fighter -- a central female
character with an enigmatic
past -- must explore vast
environments and engage in
exciting combat. These
assorted strands are woven
together using a plot
inspired at the hand of
Japanese anime films such as
"Ghost in the Shell" and "Bubblegum
Crisis," but this one comes
with a twist. And an
uppercut. And a foot in the
ribs. Different from its
tomb raiding and
demon-shooting cousins, one
of Oni's main
ingredients is a large
measure of hand-to-hand
combat that draws from the
mechanics of fighting games
such as Tekken. Given
these diverse elements,
Oni could have been a
piecemeal product, but it is
not, in part because Bungie
gives it a strong central
heroine and a plot to match.
is set about three decades
from now and stars Konoko, a
budding agent of the Tech
Crimes Task Force who is as
proficient in the martial
arts as she is with a gun.
During her first few
assignments, she is sent on
what appear be routine
infiltration missions, but
before long, the story does
a hard right turn and
becomes less about the TCTF
and more about our fearless
fighter's mysterious origins.
The plot is slowly revealed
through messages Konoko
downloads to computer
terminals located throughout
the title's maps as well as
through dialogue spoken
during brief cinematics that
bookend each mission. During
much of Oni, Konoko
communicates with her
superiors as well as a
female operative who is able
to transmit her voice inside
Konoko's head, as well as
see what Konoko does. As
with most anime, the script
offers its share of tragic
moments, and some critical
loose ends are left untied,
but the narrative does a
good job of pushing the
action forward.
pugilistic heroine spends
most of her time dishing out
punishment to the enemies
that populate Oni's
14 spacious levels. Bungie
has mapped an incredible
number of moves into the
control scheme, enabling
Konoko to perform everything
from punches and kicks to
immoderately harmful combos
with just a few key presses.
Even a partial list of her
moves sounds like a TV
commercial for Ginsu knives:
"She hits, kicks, runs,
rolls, jumps, slides and
flips with the greatest of
ease! The amazing Konoko!"
Bungie has implemented both
offensive and defensive
maneuvers, enabling Konoko
to unleash a passionate
frenzy on an opponent and
then perform a quick
backward handspring to avoid
being hit in retaliation.
Some of her moves are useful
during navigation as well --
jumping over and sliding
under motion detectors are
one common example -- though
her repertoire is curiously
devoid of such tomb-raiding
acrobatics as climbing on
top of crates and leaping to
grab a far-off ledge. Bungie
was much more interested in
creating breathtaking battle
mechanics than producing
their own Tomb Raider
sequel. For example, when
was the last time a
third-person PC title
allowed players to grab one
opponent, tumble backward
and hit a second opponent in
the face with the feet of
the first, knocking them
both out in the process?
Oni's combat is full of
delicious surprises.
enemies can perform the same
actions and more, though the
combat remains manageable
because, for the most part,
no more than two or three
will besiege her at a time.
The manner in which her
opponents mix-up their moves
during an encounter --
hitting, backpedaling,
rushing forward, rolling to
the side, leaping through
the air and kicking -- gives
the combat an electric
charge of unpredictability.
The enemies will even stomp
on Konoko when she is down
or fire their weapons at her
while she is fighting
another opponent, so the
idea is to keep moving.
Bungie introduces new
characters throughout the
game, and even strings a
couple of much tougher
bosses through several of
the maps, but the means of
defeating each of these
adversaries are the same. No
special tactics are needed
to beat down the tougher
characters, just endurance,
much in the same manner that
the pistol in Doom
could still take out that
huge mechanical Spider given
enough time, ammunition and
fancy footwork. Most of the
enemies are either human in
form or come dressed
head-to-toe in battle armor,
though Bungie does toss a
few more creatively gruesome
entities into the brew.
